Guitar Adjustments – Beginners Guitar Lessons Pt13
Intonation is the
pitch of all notes over the entire guitar neck. The basic idea of
intonation, is that a string’s length from the nut to its center (the
12th fret octave) must be must the same distance to the bridge saddle.
If its not, notes higher up on the fretboard will sound out of tune.
Improper intonation
can come about when changing string gauges, improper neck adjustments,
action set too high, or instrument damage. Since each string is of a
different thickness, slightly different lengths are required for the
notes to sound true.
Electric guitars are
normally fitted with adjustable bridges, allowing individual string
saddles to be adjusted accordingly. Most acoustic guitars are equipped
with non-adjustable bridges, called compensating bridges, and are
pre-set at the factory.
Intonation cannot be
accurately determined by ear, so guitar shop personnel use a
stroboscopic (strobe) tuner when performing the procedure. The
technician frets each string on the 12th fret (the octave) and checks
the tuner to determine if the note is sharp (high) or flat (low). If the
note is sharp, the technician adjusts the saddle backwards to add
length to the string. If the note is flat, the saddle is adjusted
forward to shorten the string’s length.
Intonation should be checked as part of your guitar maintenance
schedule, particularly when making other adjustments and string
modifications. Improper intonation will not harm your guitar or cause
playability problems, but will cause the guitar to sound out of tune in
the higher note registers.
Unless you own an
accurate tuner such as a strobe, and don’t bother fiddling around with
your instrument, intonation is best handled by professionals.
Guitar Adjustments – Action
As with intonation, unless you are prepared to fiddle about for a while, with no positive results guaranteed, these type of guitar adjustments are best left to professionals considering all the variables involved.
Guitar Adjustments – Neck
Neck adjustments are perhaps one of the most important guitar adjustments
needed, and should be taken care of before all else. A maladjusted neck
will cause buzzing frets, intonation issues, and action problems.
Performing string adjustments with a neck out of whack will cause
undesirable results, and may make problems worse.
A warped neck is when the guitar
neck warps upward toward the strings. Frets are pushed up as well,
causing the guitar to play badly, sometimes to the point of being
unplayable. Warped necks are just plain bad!
A bowed neck is when
the neck is bowed away from the strings, which is how a properly
adjusted neck should be. If too much bow exists, the action and
intonation will be affected, and the guitar will be difficult to play,
and can sound out of tune. Bowed necks are good, as long as they are not
bowed too much.
A reliable way of
telling whether a neck needs adjusting, is not sighting the neck down
the center, as many believe. This is okay to do when inspecting a guitar
to see if the neck is off-kilter side to side (which is rare), but
frets will create an optical illusion, preventing visible evidence of
warping or bowing. To do this, look at the guitar fingerboard from the
side. Press the low “E” string down on the first fret with one hand, and
the last fret with the other hand. If the frets are making positive
contact with the guitar strings
(indicating a possibly warped neck), or if there is a considerable gap
between them (indicating a possibly bowed neck) the guitar should
probably be brought in for adjustment. Doing this adjustment check with a
straight-edge or ruler of sufficient length is also acceptable, and
will actually give you a more accurate indication. The string method is
handy when a straight edge is not available.
Hope this clears up some of the mystery of guitar adjustments
and terms. A bit of advice: When purchasing a new or used instrument
from a store, always ask them to throw in a complete set-up, which will
include string change, intonation, neck and action adjustments. If they
refuse, and you have to pay a bit for set-up, it’s totally worth the
expense. You’ll know that your guitar is starting out its new life
properly adjusted, and you will better be able to feel the difference if
problems come up.